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Revision as of 10:18, 24 August 2018

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Short Description

A Zero Knowledge Proof allows one entity (the prover) to prove a statement to another party without revealing the secrets this statement is based upon. It is believed that such systems will enable a lot of new systems and protocols. One such example is ZCash: ZCash is a cryptocurrency that uses Zero Knowledge Proofs (zkSNARKs) to keep the users privacy protected. A shielded ZCash transaction does neither reveal the amount transfered nor the participating parties. However, creating a zkSNARK requires a lot of computational power and energy and software implementations take 10s of seconds on a current processors, therefore, ZCash is infeasible for constrained mobile devices and hardware wallets.

Creating a zkSNARK involves more than 10'000 elliptic curve operations on a specific pairing friendly curve. In this project you would investigate the feasibility of a hardware accelerator for the specific elliptic curve of ZCash.

Status: Available

Looking for 1-2 Semester/Master students
Contact: Moritz Schneider


VLSI II (recommended)
Experience with elliptic curve cryptography and their implementations


50% Theory
50% Digital Design


Luca Benini
Srdjan Capkun

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Practical Details



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