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Integrating Ultrasound Technology into a Fitness Tracking Device (1M, 2 B/S)

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Short Description

Ultrasound is a key technology in healthcare, and it is being explored for non-invasive, wearable, continuous monitoring of vital signs. However, its widespread adoption in this scenario is still hindered by the size, complexity, and power consumption of current devices. Moreover, such an application demands adaptability to human anatomy, which is hard to achieve with current transducer technology. In this work, we develop strategies and prototypes to advance ultrasound to a wrist-worn application, e.g. for monitoring vital signs.

Status: Available

Looking for 1 Master or 2 Semester students
Contact: Christoph Leitner (iis), Marco Giordano (pbl)


  • Creativity and solid research methodology (highly appreciated).
  • If you can show participation in non-curricular analog/digital projects, that is a big plus.
  • Circuit design tools (e.g., Altium Designer).
  • Knowledge of MCU programming / firmware development.
  • Mixed signal and RF design know-how.


40% Hardware design
30% Firmware programming
10% Characterization and testing
20% Data analyses and documentation


Luca Benini

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Detailed Task Description

The main focus of this work is to build an ultrasound TX and RX circuit for a flexible polymer transducer technology and to propose design approaches for its integration into wrist worn applications. According to the level of the student and the chosen thesis type (BT/ST/MT) the work will include some or all following tasks:


Transducer Characterization
  • Characterization of
Hardware Design

Practical Details


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