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HW/SW Safety and Security

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We are in the processes of creating a top-level information page, in the meantime please continue directly to the specific subsections below.

Real-Time Embedded Systems

Please continue to Real-Time Embedded Systems if you are interested in designing hardware or writing software for timing predictable embedded systems.


Please continue to Cryptography if you are interested in cryptographic hardware.

Fault Tolerance

Please continue to Fault Tolerance if you are interested in circuits tolerant to radiation-induced soft errors.

Who are we

Robert balas.jpeg

Robert Balas


Alessandro Ottaviano

Michaero PULP.jpeg

Michael Rogenmoser

Nwistoff face pulp team.JPG

Nils Wistoff


All projects are annotated with one or more possible project types (M/S/B/G) and a number of students (1 to 3).

  • M: Master's thesis: 26 weeks full-time (6 months) for one student only
  • S: Semester project: 14 weeks half-time (1 semester lecture period) or 7 weeks full-time for 1-3 students
  • B: Bachelor's thesis: 14 weeks half-time (1 semester lecture period) for one student only
  • G: Group project: 14 weeks part-time (1 semester lecture period) for 2-3 students

Usually, these are merely suggestions from our side; proposals can often be reformulated to fit students' needs.

Available Projects

Projects In Progress

Completed Projects