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Towards Formal Verification of the iDMA Engine (1-3S/B)

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Status: Available


At IIS we have created a high-performance DMA Engine called iDMA. So far we have verified the unit's correctness using a simple file-based System-Verilog testbench.

Even though our current verification strategy works, to fully develop the iDMA we need a more capable verification strategy. One approach is formal verification, where the function of a circuit is compared against a set of mathematically formulated properties. In the case of the iDMA we could formulate e.g. deadlock-free operation and verify if the hardware has this property.

At IIS we have both industry-grade and free-and-open-source tools to do the formal verification process.


In this project, you use formal verification to prove some properties of the iDMA ensuring its correct operation.


  • 20% Getting started with formal verification and the tools used
  • 60% Implementing and verifying a given set of properties
  • 20% Improving the RTL should bug(s) be present


  • Interest in memory systems
  • Experience with digital design in SystemVerilog as taught in VLSI I
  • Preferred: Knowledge of AXI4
