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Novel Metastability Mitigation Technique

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Metastability eecis.png


Modern system-on-a-chip is usually an integration of heterogeneous building blocks. Such heterogeneous systems typically have multiple power and clock domains. Therefore, it is critical to ensure robustness when data cross different power and clock domains.

Metastability happens when the input signal changes within the setup-hold window around the latching clock. As a result, the circuit persists in an unstable equilibrium in metastability, which influences the correctness of the data and the power consumption.

The synchronizer is an effective and commonly used method against metastability, but it does not ensure the correctness of the data. In this project, the student will explore a novel approach that employs passive devices to mitigate the metastability issue.

Status: Available

Looking for master or semester thesis students
Supervisor: Giorgio Cristiano, Jiawei Liao


  • VLSI
  • AIC


  • 20% Literature review
  • 20% Theory
  • 60% Design and simulation


Prof. Taekwang Jang <>


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