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Resource Partitioning of RPC DRAM

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Status: Available


Recently, a new class of off-chip memories hit the market, targeting low area and low pin-count FPGAs and ASICs. These reduced pin count DDR (RPC DDR) [1] memories only require a simple on-chip PHY and can operate with regular digital IO pads making them usable on our ASICs.

In previous projects, we implemented a memory-controller for RPC DRAM and taped it out on two different chips [2][3].

Rpc dram.png


The project's goal is to investigate and implement resource partitioning schemes [4] in the memory-controller to improve predicatability of memory accesses. For example, Arm Memory System Resource Partitioning and Monitoring (MPAM)[5] is a recent example of such a scheme. The memory controller is part of a larger platform hosting a linux capable RISC-V 64-bit core.

  • Get familiar with RPC DRAM protocol and the controller design
  • Study existing resource partitioning techniques
  • Implement and verify on FPGA
  • Benchmark results


  • 20% Literature Review
  • 60% Hardware Design
  • 20% Verification and Bechmarking


  • Strong interest in computer architecture and memory systems
  • Experience with digital design in SystemVerilog as taught in VLSI I
  • Preferred: Knowledge or experience with AXI and RISC-V


[1] “Etron Technology Inc. RPC DRAM.”
[4] “Supporting Temporal and Spatial Isolation in a Hypervisor for ARM Multicore Platforms”
[5] “Arm Memory System Resource Partitioning and Monitoring (MPAM)”