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(Created page with "==The Big Picture == LSPR AG, a Swiss deep tech startup company, develops the 4th generation DNA single molecule, plasmonic DNA sequencing technology with the objective of pro...")
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: Theory , simulation & analysis (10-30%), Fabrication
: Theory , simulation & analysis, Fabrication

Revision as of 16:59, 16 September 2021

The Big Picture

LSPR AG, a Swiss deep tech startup company, develops the 4th generation DNA single molecule, plasmonic DNA sequencing technology with the objective of providing easily accessible, complete and affordable personal genetic information for every individual on the planet. .

Status: Available

Looking for 1 or several Master student
Interested candidates please contact: Benedikt Oswald


We are looking for students who will contribute to change the world of DNA sequencing technology forever. This project is not for the faint at heart. We operate in a highly competitive, globally distributed field. In particular, we are looking for one or several students who will contribute to detailed theoretical understanding of single molecule, plasmonic DNA sequencing on the basis of leading edge, fully-coupled, self-consistent quantum-electrodynamics (QED) calculations. Expansion into clean room based nanofabrication work is also possible, given sufficient time.


Theory , simulation & analysis, Fabrication


Mathieu Luisier

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