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Hardware Exploration of Shared-Exponent MiniFloats (M)

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Status: Available


FPnew block diagram [1]. Each operation group block can be instantiated through a parameter. In the figure, the FPU was instantiated without a DivSqrt module.

Low-precision floating-point (FP) formats are getting more and more traction in the context of neural network (NN) training. Employing low-precision formats, such as 8-bit FP data types, reduces the model's memory footprint and opens new opportunities to increase the system's energy efficiency. While many commercial platforms already provide support for 8-bit FP data types, introducing lower-than-8bit formats is key to facing the memory footprint and efficiency requirements that ever-larger NN models introduce.

FP unit (FPU) developed at IIS [1], [2] already provide hardware support for low-precision FP formats (down to 8 bits). The goal of this project is to explore less-than-8b FP formats with a particular emphasis on shared-exponent MiniFloats [3]. Such formats use a shared exponent for N less-than-8bit values and are currently being researched by many hardware providers [3].


  • 20% Literature / architecture review
  • 40% RTL implementation
  • 40% Evaluation


  • Strong interest in computer architecture
  • Experience with digital design in SystemVerilog as taught in VLSI I
  • Experience with ASIC implementation flow (synthesis) as taught in VLSI II


[1] MiniFloat-NN and ExSdotp: An ISA Extension and a Modular Open Hardware Unit for Low-Precision Training on RISC-V cores

