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Ultrasound Doppler system development

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US color doppler example.jpg

Short Description

Ultrasound imaging is a non-invasive imaging technique that provides visible information on the structure of musculoskeletal tissues, organs, and vascular system. The velocity of liquid flows (as for arteries and veins) can be measured by transmitting a mechanical wave, and by evaluating the Doppler shift present on the received echo. The scope of this project is to implement a doppler imaging modality on existing Ultrasound probes developed at IIS, at microcontroller or FPGA-level. The project will include the development of algorithms for controlling the emission of acoustic waves, and for the analyses of the received signals, in order to generate doppler images. The verification of the performance of the algorithms will be done on the real probes, and to this end, a custom Ultrasound doppler phantom needs to be designed and assembled. Example solutions include string-based phantoms [1] or liquid-flow phantoms [2].

Goal & Tasks

In this project, you will develop an Ultrasound power doppler imaging modality on existing Ultrasound probes. To achieve this goal, you will also design and set up a custom Ultrasound doppler phantom, needed to run the doppler experiments. The main tasks are:

  • design and implementation of US doppler phantom (taking inspiration from [1][2])
  • implementing algorithms to perform US doppler imaging on existing US probes


  • [1] CIRS, Doppler string phantom
  • [2] CIRS, Doppler US flow phantom
  • [3] Ricci et al., "FPGA-Based Doppler Frequency Estimator for Real-Time Velocimetry", 2020


  • C, Python
  • Microcontrollers
  • FPGA
  • PCB design

Status: In Progress

Josquin Tille
Supervision: Sergei Vostrikov, Andrea Cossettini

Preliminary results:


10% Literature Study
50% System design
40% Microcontrollers/FPGA


Luca Benini

Practical Details

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